Friday 18 March 2011


Yeaahh!! hari ni tetibe jek jari jemari laju nak menaip untuk entry2 malam nih..
untuk entry kali ni aku nak korang tengok video bawah ni.apa perasaan korang tengok anjing ni?
sesungguhnya,setiap yang hidup itu pasti mempunyai perasaan..

Anjing ni sangat bernasib baik sebab terselamat dari bencana tsunami.Ketika orang yang rakam video ni,anjing tersebut kelihatan sangat takot,sejuk,menggigil,keletihan dan kotor akibat tsunami.

Bawah ni pulak dialog antara wartawan yang rakam video dengan kawan die.

We are in Arahama area. Looks like there is a dog. There is a dog. He looks tired and dirty. He must have been caught in the tsunami. He looks very dirty.
He has a collar. He must be someone's pet. He has a silver collar. He is shaking. He seems very afraid.
Oh, there is another dog. I wonder if he is dead.
Right there. There is another dog right next to the one sitting down. He is not moving. I wonder. I wonder if he is alright.
The dog is protecting him.
Yes. He is protecting the dog. That is why he did not want us to approach them. He was trying to keep us at bay.
I can't watch this. This is a very difficult to watch.
Oh. Look. He is moving. He is alive. I am so happy to see that he is alive.
Yes! Yes! He is alive.
He looks to be weakened. We need to them to be rescued soon. We really want them rescued soon.

Oh good. He's getting up.

It is amazing how they survived the tremendous earthquake and tsunami. It's just amazing that they survived through this all.


mykhalis said...

gile ahhh..sampai camnie skli die jaga member ek.. itu kawan sesama anjing tue

Cik Nathrah said...

lembab lah tenet ni. xleh tgk. mesti kesian kan anjing tu :(

ika zulaikha said...

khalis : ha..taw xpe..same2 susa tu..
natrah : yup..anjing 2 due ekor,sekor lemah yg sekor sanggup jge lg sekor..huhu

Henry Zackery said...

kadang2 haiwan lebih penyayang dari manusia. ye la manusia skarang buang anak merata2.. dunia dunia

10 Remaja Popular Dunia

nurul rasya said...

persahabatan tak mengenal spesies

storyfromme said...

tak tau kenapa orang selalu cakap orang jahat perangai macam binatang sebab binatang ni baik je.manusia yang perangai terok.


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